Save Bandwidth Quota with
Written by adi on 15.38
TOONEL used for bandwidth compression. This software is similar to the proxy, that essentially we access the Internet through the intermediary computer servers. Distinguish the proxy, data sent to our computer had in the compress, so speed access becomes faster. For example, the normal internet we need a 100 Kb to open, but if toonel has compressed 50% smaller, so we just need a 50 Kb data to open it. Data compressed by reducing the quality of the pictures on the website. This will save the bandwidth quota for you to use the internet bandwidth quota tariffs. Advantages this software is not detected as a virus when trying to open yahoomail or google cache option.
you can setting this software by following this steps:
1.Because of is Java, the computer must be installed in your JRE (Java Runtime Environment) must first be able to run this software.
2. Setting Firefox by following this steps:
1. Open Mozilla Firefox
2. Click Tools | Options
3. Click Advanced, and click the Network tab
4. Click on the Connection Settings
5. Select Manual proxy configuration
6. HTTP Proxy and Port 8080, then check Use this proxy server for all protocols
7. Click OK to save the settings
8. Click OK again to close the Option
3.Toonel settings by following this steps:
1. Open software Toonel
2. Click the Mapping tab, then click the option, and then click Apply
3. Click the Web tab, Set the GIF & JPEG Quality% at you, then click Apply
4. Click Stats tab to view the status file pengompresan web.
5. Do not close the software Toonel, because this software can only run when the software opens.
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